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Mae gennym y wybodaeth sydd ei hangen arnoch chi


Mae gennym reolwyr achos o amrywiaeth o gefndiroedd proffesiynol gan gynnwys therapi galwedigaethol, ffisiotherapi, nyrsio, lleferydd ac iaith a gwaith cymdeithasol.

Mae pob un o'n rheolwyr achos wedi'u cofrestru â BABICM ac mae rhai yn ymarferwyr uwch BABICM, mae gan bob un o leiaf saith mlynedd o brofiad proffesiynol cymwys. s

Mae eu profiad yn amrywio yn un neu fwy o'r meysydd canlynol


Mae gennym reolwyr achos o amrywiaeth o gefndiroedd proffesiynol gan gynnwys therapi galwedigaethol, ffisiotherapi, nyrsio, lleferydd ac iaith a gwaith cymdeithasol.

Mae pob un o'n rheolwyr achos wedi'u cofrestru â BABICM ac mae rhai yn ymarferwyr uwch BABICM, mae gan bob un o leiaf saith mlynedd o brofiad proffesiynol cymwys. s

Mae eu profiad yn amrywio yn un neu fwy o'r meysydd canlynol

Initial Enquiries



"WCM being the 5th Case Management Company instated to this case since I started as Team Leader in November 2009 and Lucy being the 10th Case Manager, I really wasn’t optimistic.


I wish to feedback to you on how I feel at this stage in July 2020 how things are going from my perspective - working daily alongside the team and our client.


Remarkable, Exceptional, Understanding and Supportive: are just a few of the words that automatically spring to mind when I think about what Lucy and WCM have achieved since starting. Lucy has sustained an encouraging level of support, guidance and assistance in every field needed.


I really couldn’t be happier, the difference in us all meeting the client’s needs now, alongside the Team is just impressive. I’ve never seen the client so content, willing to engage in activities for long periods and accepting of others into her home to learn it is admirable of the whole MDT Team.


Together we are supporting the client’s wishes, aims and needs whilst keeping her and others safe and providing her with a better quality of life.”


© 2020 Wedi'i wneud gydag agwedd gadarnhaol gan

Westcountry Case Management Ltd.


Registered in England no 4662905

Reg Address: 1 Suffolk Way

Sevenoaks KENT TN13 1YL

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Lower Little Green

Shute Hill, Bishopsteignton

Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9QL

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